Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Why Every Woman Needs A Daily Dose of TLC

We aren't talking about The Learning Channel (Isn't it preempted anyway that women know it all?) here. We are referring to Tender Loving Care!

Hormonal or not, on their period or not, pregnant or not, WOMEN are proud owners of the words "unpredictable" and "moody."
While more than 80% of the women out there are in a radical shift from damsel in distress to my life my rules, one thing that remains as a matter of fact as constant as the northern star is that every one of them is entitled to TLC.

Strong woman, stronger principles, strongest goals. When three degrees of the term STRONG form a small constellation, there comes the need of TENDER (NOT Tinder, mind you!).


Let's get started!

1. A strong woman is awesome but when you opine then...

Yes, who wouldn't want a woman who knows what she wants to do, pays half the bill at the restaurant instead of being the dependant one always, has a career of her own! But, but, but (Not talking about Kim Kardashian's behind here!) problem arises when you give your two cents of opinion in any of her matters and then her glare is like

So, I guess some tender love won't hurt here, eh?

2. The same old cliche is not the way to impress her

You know how lie detectors work?
The minds of the fiesty women are natural lie detectors that doesn't even need to look into your heartbeat. One look at you and she can totally detect what's cooking in that little brain of yours!
So if you think the cliches, and same old recycled dialogues are actually going to work, na-uh, darling you really need to work it out! So drop the gimmicks and always opt for a genuine loving side, else all you would get from her is

3. A lot of baggage from past has made her what she is today

No woman is born fiesty and all headstrong. Circumstances made her so. Thus, if today, she is not one of those to wear her heart on her sleeves, it's because her heart was once broken, if she doesn't easily confide in people, it's because her trust was brutally breached. 
So despite such instances, if she still holds you special, then you might really be special for her, and why would you want to jeopardise that?
Reserve some TLC for her, and that look in her eyes is forever yours!

4. Making her jealous will never work

Do you know that women are natural stalkers?
And no, they don't love stalking boys, their default mind mechanisms keep them intrigued to stalk girls!
But you won't ever figure it out by her demeanor (natural BAFTA awards winners too, eh?) or talks.
In fact, the whole concept magnifies when your girl is the strong, independent one. She won't let even a zilch of her jealousy reflect on her countenance! So if you are expecting some really love double dose out of her by making her jealous, then here's a heads up: the jealousy will make her mind scream:

But what she will rather choose to say is:

5. Strong people too have their downfalls

A happy, fiesty girl's Instagram with 1 million likes on each photo doesn't mean she never cries out feeling her chest constricted over something. Regardless of how calm a person may appear and callous at times, if nothing affected us, we won't be called humans! If she earns in millions and owns what others only dream of, it doesn't exclude her from the list of those needing TLC. Because just like you, not every day is her day.

6. You are STILL reading this?

Dude! She's a woman! Do you NEED any other reason? Go and give her some TLC!

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