Monday, February 15, 2016

The buckets are in LOVE too

Humans in love?
Been there, done that.

Buckets in love?
Okay, you got me.

I have never really been a foodie. Much to my friends' and family's dismay, talks about any cuisine never perked my interest. But when you end up living on your own in a different city, far, far away from family and close friends, you begin realizing how much you miss certain nuances of your former life.
But know what? If you once again start going back to that former life, you will go back to being the indifferent one again; and no, this is no dysfunctional trait in you, but just human tendency.
So while you are at it, make the most of it and live each and every moment to the fullest.

Coming to that, these days, exploring places, food, and various dynamics of life per se, has some what become my hobby (I realized it while writing this, trust me!). So whenever I spot something unique or creative, I make it a point to click a snap of it (mainly for my Instagram, cuz I'm an IG-addict).

So while having a meal at KFC last evening, I came across this cute little house rack of KFC buckets, so in love with each other.
And although I am an all time idiosyncratic mind walking and talking, my poetic brain struck a chord with my vision, pushing me to think, that if I pull out one bucket from the bottom of the beautiful symmetry, the entire chain of buckets were bound to follow and fall down.

Didn't get the correlation?
Here we go!

The base line of the love house of the buckets is TRUST.
And although there's just too many quotes out there on the web (way, way popular than anything that I can relatively pen down with even a hyper active mind), it still never gets old that TRUST is what makes anything and everything.
When it is about you and no one else, it is your intra-communication (I'm a mass comm student, so yeah, just had to use this term!), how well you communicate your trust with yourself; and when it's with someone else, then of course, the same trust needs to be conveyed from you and also reciprocated from the other end in an equal amount if not less.

So folks!
The bottom line is:
Valentine's Day and every other day is most certainly about spreading the love.
But don't forget, love can spread by superficial stuff too at times, but TRUST takes real hardwork to be earned and also reciprocated.
So drop the superficiality in everything, sport a real smile, invest on trust, and have your happiness multiplied.


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